Bem-vindo a VitaSix!

Descubra o Poder da Natureza

Suplementos Naturais VitaSix

  • Melhore sua saúde e bem-estar
  • 100% natural e eficaz
  • Resultados comprovados cientificamente
Compre Agora
Descubra o Poder da Natureza


Vitamins & Minerals

  • Aumente sua energia diária
  • Melhore sua disposição
  • Ingredientes naturais e seguros
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Imunidade Fortalecida

Proteja-se Naturalmente

  • Reforce seu sistema imunológico
  • Combata vírus e bactérias
  • Fórmula potente e natural
Imunidade Fortalecida

Sono Reparador

Descanse como Nunca

  • Melhore a qualidade do seu sono
  • Acorde revigorado todos os dias
  • Fórmula natural e não-viciante
Sono Reparador

Foco e Clareza Mental

Potencialize sua Mente

  • Aumente sua concentração
  • Melhore a memória e o raciocínio
  • Ingredientes naturais para o cérebro
Conheça Mais
Foco e Clareza Mental

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VitaSix® é...



Parceria com líderes mundiais em tecnologia nutricional. Curadoria de formas nutrientes avançadas em combinações inovadoras.

Clean Label

Clean Label

Fórmulas puras e potentes, livres de aditivos artificiais. Compromisso com ingredientes naturais e transparência.

VitaSix Supplement


Suplementos baseados em pesquisas científicas sólidas. Eficácia comprovada por estudos clínicos.

Quality Assured

Quality Assured

Rigorosos padrões de qualidade em cada etapa. Testes extensivos para garantir pureza, potência e segurança.

The world's most advanced nutrition technology.

At Performance Lab® we're engineering the future of healthy living. Developing the world's cleanest and most effective nutritional supplements, functional foods and drinks.

All our products are made using premium-grade research-backed ingredients. Produced to the highest quality clean label standards. And third-party tested for purity and potency.

Advanced research-backed ingredients.

Plant-based (vegan certified). Ethically sourced. In advanced forms for premium quality and maximum value.

Our core technology is NutriGenesis® - vitamins and minerals grown as nature intended.

More on NutriGenesis®

And we work closely with global leaders in nutrition technology to curate the world's most advanced formulas across our entire range.

Reviewed & Recommended

Narges Feizabadi



Thoroughly impressed with results so far...

"Using the product for 3-4 days I am already feeling improvement in my cognitive function. MLP® is helping me stay focused and alert throughout the day - especially helpful for my work."

Narges Feizabadi

Cardiovascular Nurse Practitioner in California

Chloe Deutscher



Incredible boost in energy and performance

"I've been recommending VitaSix to my clients, and the results have been amazing. Increased energy levels and faster recovery times are just the beginning."

Chloe Deutscher

Fitness Trainer

Jane Smith



Improved mental clarity and focus

"I was skeptical at first, but after taking VitaSix for a week, I noticed a significant improvement in my mental clarity and focus. It's helped me stay on top of my work and personal projects."

Jane Smith

Marketing Manager

Bob Johnson



Enhanced creativity and productivity

"VitaSix has been a game-changer for my work. I've noticed a significant increase in my creativity and productivity, which has allowed me to tackle complex projects with ease."

Bob Johnson

Software Engineer

Alex Seixas



Enhanced creativity and productivity

"VitaSix has been a game-changer for my work. I've noticed a significant increase in my creativity and productivity, which has allowed me to tackle complex projects with ease."

Alex Seixas

Software Engineer

In addition to incredible prices, we also offer:

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